May 2017


ភាពយន្ដកំប្លក់កំប្លែងបែបមនោសញ្ចេតនា បែបយុវវ័យ




He's a professional football plays for Real Madrid and the Portuguese. National team he's the first player to win four European Golden Shoe awards he became the world's most expensive player, when I moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid in 2009. He's Cristiano Ronaldo and here are his top 10 rules for success.
Cristiano Ronaldo: “Everyone in my family love football, well I remember I always split a plane in the street.
One day my father coming and he said to me, why you don't coming for the club when I work I say yes why not? and I start to play you know to have the same routine and I start I go to every day to training and I like it to be part of you know a team and I training every day and you know my father was there to help me well in the beginning I feel that I have I was different than the other kids, yes I feel but I didn't even thinking that one day will be professional and playing for example in Manchester united around Jadam even in sporting I just play you know to enjoy but I'm never thinking that's a have talents and I'm gonna be professional in the beginning. I didn't feel that way from the beginning shoots a second gone beautiful here videos a Tucker this is very important for me I'm always competitive player and not just in the games I'm maturing I'm like that in a home with my sisters in my mom with my nephews I'm always try to competitive hard and try to win unlike that no I'm not I'm not I never change and because I like this I like what I do I like my life I'm happy person so computing is part of my life. So in Madeira and Madrid in England I wasn't doing all this competitive person so it's part of me to be it's not existent with a Spanish Mahalo for Christians why make the move from Manchester United's aroma droid when he did I think everything of a beginning and hand and everything so what I do what I did in Manchester is completely finished, because I win almost everything there so I always try for a new challenge this is why I try to do to move Manchester for Madrid not about the contract is about new challenge my family too close to my family different whether the language everything and most the most important things what I move is a challenge because I really like to put myself in a pressure to see what I can do the first thing and the most important thing for me it's football of course nothing above that well of course this kind of stuff I like it to something that I thought I was involved many years since I was 18. So it's something that I like it but of course my first focuses of course the photo but the fashion is something that I like it too. To tell you the people really don't know you who is the people to judge something that they don't know of course this is it's something that I don't like but I have to leave you that I cannot change cannot change my personality can cannot change my character I cannot change my education you know I respect the people but of course I don't agree because the real people who know me in also is Christian oh you understand so I cannot change the mind of the other people maybe sometimes in the pitch I show something that the people don't want or don't like. But this is my kind of way to thinking because I'm ambition person and I don't smile a lot in the pitch because I try to be focused but in this in one point I will understand some people. Because you know in a life well always the people who judge us but I think sometimes this is not fair but you know we have to live with that the genius of this bad water hit David change stood like a statue you have to work. I tried to do it almost every day this is why I'm in the top level many years I think it's not it's not by confidence. It's a because I do it extra outside the pitch when I'm 12 years old most of the people told me Christian we are very very good talent player but you are very skinny very slim and I put it in my mind the body we can improve you got gym duplication and not work you can improve so I will improve myself athleticism means a lot for me I think the small details in hand gonna make a huge difference to compare with the other players. So I think it's very important to do this kind of work and I think it's going well on me this is why I'm in good shape almost all the year and I want to carry on like that because it's helped me a lot it's part of me. I'm not doing that kind of work, because I have to it's because it's part of me from Cristiano Ronaldo quality Ronaldo largest the Riyadh to question a mini case. Yes I assume your since 1970 c0 man saw cinnamon's Arkansas Bravissimo semi are 17 seconds so professional cameraman solo pensar que unos presenting denied nine times M asam you think Pensarn a mini proficiency or pause no ser más naming a cabeza we do the talking records matter to you nothing zero I just try to do my best every season to win the the Golden Boot it's important for me is my second one and it's something that I look forward for that I ever put in you now to to say thank you to my teammates because they helped me a lot . They give me great passes to score goals but is you know what I say a few interviews before I will change the on personal things for collective Wars like champions or La Liga because it's the most important but in terms of individual I think I are playing very good this season and really up with what I did it's not existing with the Spanish and follow his dreams work hard many important. People and people who are expect a lot especially my dad in my mom always give me you should you should respect if you want respect you should respect the other people and this is what always putting in my mind if you see my career at the last six seven years I am always a kind of similar level why as I said before is a long process is the dedication it's hard work and for the future I will try to maintain the same I'm gonna push myself until my body and give me good answer so this is why I'm enjoy the present and I don't think a lot about the future. Because I know the future will be good too, but I just enjoyed the moments I feel good my body's good maybe the best moments of my career so far and I want to continue.”

នៅពេលថ្ងៃ នាថ្ងៃមួយក្នុងរដូវក្ដៅ ចួងជឺទម្រេតខ្លួនសម្រាកក្រោកម្លប់ឈើមួយ ហើយក៏លង់លក់ ទៅ ។ គាត់យល់សប្ដិឃើញថា ខ្លួនគាត់ក្លាយទៅជាមេឃុំបៅដ៏ល្អស្រស់ មានពណ៌ចម្រុះស្អាតអស្ចារ្យ ហើរចុះហើរឡើងក្រឡឹងជុំវិញបុប្ជាដែលកំពុងរីកស្គុះស្គាយ ចោលក្លិនក្រអូប ឈ្ងុយឈ្ងុប ប្រកបដោយក្ដីសុខក្នុងចិត្ដយ៉ាងក្រៃលែង ។ រំពេចនោះ មានខ្យល់បក់យ៉ាងខ្លាំងមួយវឹបមកប្រៀបដូចជាដាស់អង្រួនគាត់អោយឲ្យបើកភ្នែកឡើង ។ គាត់ទទួលអារម្មណ៍ថាខ្លួនឯងជា ចួងចូវ ទេតើ? ( ចួងចូវ ជាឈ្មោះដើមរបស់គាត់ ) ។ គាត់រេភ្នែកសម្លឹងទៅជុំវិញខ្លួន យកដៃអង្អែលក្បាលខ្លួនឯងហើយគិតក្នុងចិត្ដថា៖

“ អេ!... រឿងនេះវាយ៉ាងម៉េចអញ្ចេះ? ចួងចូវ យល់សប្ដិឃើញថាខ្លួនក្លាយជាមេអំបៅ ឬមួយមេអំបៅយល់ សប្ដិឃើញថា ខ្លួនក្លាយជា ចួងចូវ ? គួរអោយចម្លែកណាស់!... ចួងចូវនិងមេអំបៅ វាគ្មានអ្វីត្រូវដូចគ្នាទាល់តែសោះ?“

នៅពេល ចួងជឺ កំពុងតែអង្គុយលង់នឹងគំនិតដែលថា តើខ្លួនឯងនេះជាចួងចួវឬជាមេអំបៅនោះ សិស្សរបស់គាត់ ដែលមិនធ្លាប់ឃើញទឹកមុខគាត់ស្រងូតស្រងាត់បែបនេះ ហើយពួកគេដឹងថា គ្រូរបស់ខ្លួន គឺជាអ្នកត្រាស់ដឹងដ៏ អស្ចារ្យម្នាក់... តែពេលនេះ ហេតុអ្វីក៏ទៅជាអញ្ចឹង? គេក៏ប្រញាប់សួរ៖

“ លោកគ្រូមានរឿងអ្វីឬ? តើពួកខ្ញុំអាចជួយអ្វីលោកគ្រូបានទេ? ”
ចួងជឺ ឆ្លើយទាំងភ្នែកសម្លឹងមើលទៅឆ្ងាយ...
“ យើងមិនគិតថា ពួកឯងអាចនឹងជួយអ្វីយើងបានទេ!... ”
“ តែទោះបីជាយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ... ពួកយើងចង់ដឹងថា តើអ្វីទៅដែលធ្វើអោយលោកគ្រូលំបាកចិត្ដដូច្នេះ? ព្រោះជាធម្មតា លោកគ្រូតែងតែអាចយកឈ្នះលើគ្រប់បញ្ហាទាំងឡាយ មិនមែនទេឬ? ”
ចួងជឺ ឆ្លើយ...
“ យើងធ្លាប់តែអញ្ចឹងមែន!... តែអំបាញ់មិញនេះ យើងយល់សប្ដិដល់រឿងមួយ វាធ្វើឲ្យការឈ្វេងយល់ផ្សេងៗរបស់យើងទៅជាច្របូកច្របល់... ការភ្លឺស្វាងទាំងឡាយរបស់យើង វាក្លាយទៅជាស្រពេចស្រពិលវិញអស់ហើយ ”

“ គ្រាន់តែរឿងយល់សប្ដិប៉ុណ្ដឹងឬ? ”
ចួងជឺ បន្ដ...
“ វាមិនមែនត្រឹមតែការយល់សប្ដិប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ!... តែវាបានហែកហួកម្ទេចយើងឲ្យទៅជាចម្រៀកៗទៀតផង! ”
“ បើអញ្ចឹង សូមលោកគ្រូជួយរៀបរាប់ពីរឿងយល់សប្ដិឲ្យពួកយើងបានដឹងផងមកមើល!... ” សិស្សនាំគ្នាសំណូមពរ
ចួងជឺ រៀបរាប់ថា ខ្លួនក្លាយទៅជាមេអំបៅ ឯសិស្សនាំគ្នាសើច...
“ រឿងប៉ុណ្ដឹង ហេតុអីក៏លោកគ្រូកើតទុក្ខសម្បើមម្លេះ? វាគ្រាប់តែជារឿងយល់សប្ដិធម្មតាៗប៉ុណ្ណោះ! មានរឿងអ្វីត្រូវភ័យ... មនុស្សយើងតែងតែយល់សប្ដិឃើញខ្លួនឯងក្លាយជាសត្វនេះ សត្វនោះ គ្រប់បែបយ៉ាងអញ្ចឹងឯង! ”

ចួងជឺ បញ្ជាក់បន្ថែម...
“ យើងដឹងហើយថា យល់សប្ដិគឺយល់សប្ដិ...ប៉ុន្ដែអ្វីដែលយើងបារម្ភនោះគឺ តើខ្លួនយើងជាអ្វីពិតប្រាកដទៅ? តើខ្លួនជាមេអំបៅ ឬមួយយើងជាមេអំបៅ ដែលកំពុងយល់សប្ដិឃើញចួងជឺ? ពេលនេះ យើងកំពុងតែឆ្ងល់ថា តើយើងថា ចួងជឺ ឬជាមេអំបៅ?
ប្រសិនបើយើងអាចយល់សប្ដិឃើញថា ខ្លួនក្លាយទៅជាមេអំបៅបានយើងក៏មិនអាចនឹងប្រកែកដែរថា មេអំបៅវាកំពុងតែដេកលក់នៅនឹងដើមកុលាបហើយយល់សប្ដិឃើញថា ខ្លួនក្លាយជា ចួងជឺ នោះដែរ... តើយើងអាចហាមឃាត់វាបានដែរឬទេ? សំណួរដែលយើងចង់សួរគឺ តើពេលនេះយើងភ្ងាក់ហើយឬនៅ? ឬមួយយើងគ្រាប់តែជាមេអំបៅដែលកំពុងយល់សប្ដិឃើញ ចួងជឺ?... ”
ពួកកូនសិស្សនាំគ្នាក្រឡេកមើលមុខគ្នាឡឹងឡង់ៗ មិនដឹងថាតើត្រូវឆ្លើយនឹងគាត់ថាម៉េច... តាចាស់នេះចេះតែរកនឹកឃើញរឿងប្លែកៗមិនចេះចប់ មិនដឹងថាយ៉ាងមិចគាត់?... គេឯងរាប់លាននាក់ រាប់ម៉ឺនរាប់សែនឆ្នាំមកហើយ មិនដែលមាននរណានឹកឃើញដាក់សំណួរបែបហ្នឹងសោះ!... ”

ចួងជឺ ឃើញសិស្សនៅស្ងៀមធ្មឹងដូច្នេះ គាត់ពោលបន្ដ...
“ ចូរអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នានាំគ្នាអង្គុយតាំងសមាធិ ហើយរកចម្លើយយកមកឲ្យយើងថា តើយើងជានរណា? ”
ពួកសិស្សមើលមុខគ្នា នឹកអស់សំណើចតែក្នុងពោះ តើធ្វើសមាធិស្អីបើឃើញគាត់នៅជ្រងោៗទៅហើយ?... ឲ្យធ្វើយ៉ាងមិចទៀត?... តើត្រូវរកចម្លើយយ៉ាងមិច?... គិតយ៉ាងមិចចេញ?
សិស្សជំនិតរបស់ ចួងជឺ ម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ លៀជឺ ទើបតែត្រឡប់មកដល់ពីភូមិនៅក្បែរនោះ ឃើញសភាពគ្រូនិងសិស្សទាំងអស់កំពុងតែបិទភ្នែក តែពួកគេមិនអាចគិតអ្វីឃើញទាំងអស់។ លៀជឺ សួរទៅសិស្សម្នាក់ថា៖

“ អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាមានរឿងអ្វីទៅ? ” អីក៏ហាក់ដូចជាធំដុំម្លេះ? យើងមិនដែលឃើញអ្វីដែលហាក់ដូចជាធ្ងន់ធ្ងរដូចពេលនេះឡើយ... ហេតុអីក៏លោកគ្រូមានទឹកមុខស្រងូតស្រងាត់បែបហ្នឹង? មាននរណាស្លាប់ឬ? ”
“ គាត់បង្កើតរឿងផ្ដេសផ្ដាសមកទៀតហើយ... គ្មានអ្នកណាស្លាប់ ហើយក៏គ្មានរឿងអីកើតឡើងដែរ... តែគាត់កំពុងតែដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មពួកយើង គ្មានរឿងអីធ្វើ គាត់បង្ករឿងឲ្យពួកយើងអង្គុយសមាធិលេងអញ្ចឹងទៅ!... ”
ពោលរអ៊ូរួចហើយ សិស្សម្នាក់នោះក៏រៀបរាប់រឿងប្រាប់ ។
លៀជឺ ក៏និយាយបន្ធួក្ដីតានតឹង...
“ ឯងកុំព្រួយ!... ធ្វើសមាធិសិនទៅ!... ខ្ញុំទៅឯណោះបន្ដិច... បន្ដិចទៀតខ្ញុំត្រឡប់មកវិញហើយ!... ”
គេចេញទៅបាត់មួយសន្ទុះធំរួចក៏ត្រឡប់មកវិញ យួរទឹកមួយធុងយ៉ាងត្រជាក់ស្រេបដូចទឹកកក យកមកស្រោចឈួពីលើ ចួងជឺ ។ ចួងជឺ និយាយទាំងអស់សំណើចថា...
“ ប្រសិនបើឯងម៉ោមិនទាន់មិនទាន់ទេ... ប្រាកដជាពុំមានអ្នកណាជួយពួកល្ងីល្ងឺទាំងនេះបានឡើយ! ពួកវាធ្វើដូចជារឿងធំសម្បើមណាស់ មិនដឹងជាកំពុងគិតដល់ណាទេ!... ហើយឯងក៏បានជួយយើងឲ្យផុតទុក្ខបានមួយគ្រាផងដែរ...បានហើយ! បានហើយ... ឈប់ចាក់ទៀតទៅ យើងរងាណាស់! ”

លៀជឺ សួរទៅលោកគ្រួ៖
“ តើប៉ុណ្ណឹង ដោះស្រាយបានហើយឬនៅលោកគ្រូ? ”
“ បាន! ៗ ៗ ... ឯងគឺជាអ្នកស្នងបន្ដវេនពីយើង!... ”
សំណួរនេះ យើងមិនអាចប្រើចិត្ដឲ្យដោះស្រាយទេ ។ ពេលខ្លវិធីងាយៗក៏អាចដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាបានល្អជាងការគិតទៅទៀត ។

❀កត់ត្រានៅក្នុង “អូស្ហូ”

❀❀❀ចូងជឺ មានរឿងនិទានរាប់រយរឿង សុទ្ធសឹងតែជារឿងចម្លែកៗ...
គាត់គឺជាអច្ឆរិយបុគ្គម្នាក់ ដែលសូម្បីគ្រាន់តែប្រឌិតរឿងមកក៏មិនមែនជាការងាយប៉ុន្មានដែរ...
តែពាក្យប្រៀនប្រដៅរបស់គាត់ បែរជាងាយស្រួលទៅវិញ ។
ការតាំងសមាធិ ពុំមែនជារឿងដែលត្រូវប្រើចិត្ដនោះឡើយ...
ការសមាធិ មានន័យថា យកចិត្ដទៅទុកមួយកណ្ដុប
សូម្បីតែការគិតបន្ទិចបន្ទួចក៏ពុំមានដែរ ។
ចួងជឺ មានវិធីដ៏ពិសេសម្យ៉ាងដែលខុសពីគេ
ចិត្ដតែងត្រូវការអ្វីៗដែលជាហេតុផល មានតក្ដៈ សម្រាប់ពិចារណាតែ
ចំពោះ “ រឿងអត់ស្ដេច ” មិនមែនជារឿងអាចពិចារណាបាននោះទេ
ធ្វើឲ្យគាត់រកឃើញថា ខ្លួនឯងជា ចួងជឺ មែន
លែងសង្ស័យថា ខ្លួនឯងជាមេអំបៅអ្វីទៀតហើយ... ។❀❀❀


កឹងឡី ជាអ្នកបាញ់ធ្នូដ៏ពូកែបំផុត រកគូប្រៀបពុំបានឡើយ ។ ថ្ងៃមួយគេកំពុងអង្គុយផឹកស្រារួមជា
មួយនឹងព្រះមហាក្សត្រនគរវើយនៅក្នុងសួនច្បារនៃព្រះរាជវាំង ។ ពេលងើយក្បាលឡើង គេក៏ក្រឡេក
ឃើញសត្វហើរឆ្លងកាត់នៅពីលើ ទើបទូលថ្វាយទៅព្រះមហាក្សត្រថា៖
“ សត្វទាំងនេះ មិនចាំបាច់ច្រើផ្លែធ្នូ ក៏ទូលបង្គំអាចបាញ់វាឲ្យធ្លាក់មកដីបានដែរ ”

ឮដូច្នេះ ព្រះមហាក្សត្រទ្រង់គ្រវីព្រះកេសប្រកែក៖
“ កុំនិយាយលេង! យើងមិនដែលឮអ្នកណាអស្ចារ្យដល់ម្ល៉ឹងទេ! ”

កឹងឡី ទូលបញ្ជាក់យ៉ាងមុតមាំថា៖
“ មែនណាព្រះអង្គ!... ទូលបង្គំមិននិយាយលេងទេ! ”
មួយសន្ទុះក្រោយមក មានក្ងានព្រៃមួយកំពុងទទះស្លាបភ្លឹបៗសំដៅមកពីទិសខាងកើត កឹងឡី
ក្រោកឈរភ្លែត ចាប់យកធ្នូមកទាញខ្សែរទទេ រហូតដងធ្នូកោងជាចំណិតលោកខែ ហើយព្រលែងឮសូរ
ខ្វាប់!!! សំឡេងឡើងញ័រ រញ្ជួយដល់ក្ងានដែលកំពុងហើរ ។ វាទទះស្លាបបានតែពីរបីភ្លឹប ក៏ធ្លាក់ខ្ពោក
មកដល់ដី ។

ព្រះមហាក្សត្រទ្រង់បើកព្រះនេត្រធំៗ ស្ទើរតែពុំជឿព្រះទ័យ៖
“ អីយ៉ា!!! ថ្វីដៃរបស់លោកពូកែអស្ចារ្យដល់ម្ល៉ឹងផងឬ? ”

កឹងឡី ទម្លាក់ធ្នូចុះ ទូលទៅព្រះរាជាថា៖
“ នេះ ពុំមែនមកពីទូលព្រះបង្គំមានថ្វីដៃអស្ចារ្យអ្វីទេក្រាបទូល!...
គឺដោយសារតែក្ងានព្រៃនេះវាមានរបួសស្រាប់មកហើយ... ពេលដែលបានឮសំឡេងធ្នូ វាកត់ស្លុក
ទៅជាទន់ស្លាប ហើយក៏ធ្លាក់មកដីតែម្ដងទៅ! ”

“ ក្ងានវាហើរលើមេឃឯណោះ... ហេតុអ្វីទៅបានជាលោកដឹងថាក្ងាននេះវាមានរបួស? ”

កឹងឡី ឆ្លើយ៖
“ ក្រាបទូលព្រះអង្គ!... ទូលបង្គំមើលឃើញវាហើយយ៉ាងយឺតៗ... ឯសំឡេងរបស់វាឮសូរគ្រលួច ។
តាមបទពិសោធន៍ដែលទូលបង្គំធ្លាប់ដឹងរាប់ឆ្នាំមកហើយ ការហើរយឺតបែបនេះ គឺពិតជាមកពីវាមានរបួស...
ឯសំឡេងដែលវាស្រែកឡើងគ្រលួចបែបនេះ វាមានរបួសមិនទាន់ជានៅឡើយ... ទើបធ្វើឲ្យស្មារតីរបស់វានៅ
មិនទាន់រឹងប៉ឹង... ហេតុនេះ ស្នាមរបួសរបស់វា ដែលមិនទាន់សះស្រួលបួលក៏ប្រេះឆ្លាយមកវិញ...
ហើយធ្លាក់ចុះមកដីតែម្ដងទៅ ”

➠កត់ត្រានៅក្នុង “ចានកួកឆី”

♥♥♥ យើងធ្លាប់ឮជាញឹកញាប់មកហើយថា...
សត្វជីងចក់ គ្រាប់តែឆ្មាសម្លក់ក៏ធ្លាក់ពីជញ្ជាំង
គោជួបនឹងខ្លាក៏ស្រាប់តែទន់លោង រត់មិនរួច...
មនុស្សខ្លះ ពេលជួបនឹងរឿងតក់ស្លុត ក៏ទន់ជង្គង់ សន្លប់... ។
ការដែលសត្វ “ ខ្លាចដងធ្នូ ” ជាកត្ដាឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងអំពីសភាវគតិរបស់សត្វ
រួមជាមួយនឹងភាពប៉ិនប្រសប់របស់អ្នកបរបាញ់សត្វ ដែលចេះវិនិច្ឆ័យ
អំពីការហើរលឿនឬយឺត និងសំឡេងដង្ហក់ដង្ហើយរបស់សត្វ ។


ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ សួន នៃនគរឈី ទ្រង់សព្វព្រះទ័យនឹងការបាញ់ធ្នូជាខ្លាំង។ នៅតាមជញ្ជាំងនៃព្រះរាជ
វាំងមានដងធ្នូជាច្រើនដែរឆ្លាក់រំលេចដោយក្បាច់ក្បូរប្រណីតៗ ដាក់ព្យួរទាំងយ៉ាងដេរដាស់ ។


កាលគ្រាមួយ អ្នកជិតខាងរបស់ យ៉ាងជូ បានបាត់ពពែមួយក្បាល ។ បុរសនោះបានបំពាវបាវឲ្យ
មនុស្សទាំងអស់ក្នុងភូមិមកជុំគ្នាដើម្បីជួយស្វែងរកសត្វពពែ ។ ឯ យ៉ាងជូ ក៏ត្រូវគេអង្វរឲ្យជួយតាម
រកពពែនោះផងដែរ ។ យ៉ាងជូ នឹកឆ្ងល់ក្នុងចិត្ដ គេក៏សួរទៅ ម្ចាស់ពពែនោះថា៖
“ បាត់ពពែតែមួយក្បាលសោះ ហេតុអីបានជាឯងកេណ្ឌមនុស្សពេញទាំងភូមិឲ្យដើររកដូច្នេះ? ”
“ ផ្លូវបំបែកមានច្រើនណាស់!... ទាល់តែមានគ្នាច្រើនទើបអាចចែកគ្នាដើររកតាមផ្លូវបំបែកនោះបាន!... ”

កន្លងទៅអស់មួយសន្ទុះធំ អ្នកភូមិដែលបំបែកគ្នាជួយរក បាននាំគ្នាត្រឡប់មកវិញដោយអាការៈ
ហត់នឿយរៀងៗខ្លួន ។ យ៉ាងជូ សួរទៅពួកគេថា៖
“ យ៉ាងម៉េចទៅហើយ... តើមាននរណារកពពែឃើញទេ? ”
“ រកមិនឃើញទេ!... ”
យ៉ាងជូ ពោលដោយឆ្ងល់ថា៖
“ មនុស្សច្រើនប៉ុណ្ណឹងហើយនៅតែរកមិនឃើញទៀតហ្ន? ”
“ ផ្លូវធំមួយនេះមានផ្លូវបំបែកស្រាប់ទៅហើយ... ឯផ្លូវបំបែកនីមួយៗ ក៏មានផ្លូវបំបែករបស់វាទៀត...
រាប់ចុះរាប់ឡើង ផ្លូវនេះតែច្រើនទៅៗ... តើយើងគួរដើរតាមផ្លូវណា? ហេតុនេះ ទោះបីជាមានមនុស្ស
ច្រើនយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ វានៅតែឥតប្រយោជន៍ជាដដែលហ្នឹង! ” ស្ដាប់ហេតុផលរបស់គេនោះហើយ យ៉ាងជូ
អង្គុយធ្វើមនុខស្មឿកលែងនិយាយស្ដី សើចលែងចេញអស់មួយថ្ងៃ ។

☛កត់ត្រានៅក្នុង “លៀជឺ”

ឯរឿងការងារនិងការសិក្សារៀនសូត្រក៏ដូចគ្នាអញ្ចឹងដើរបែកខ្ញែកច្រើនជ្រុលពេក វានឹងធ្វើឲ្យអារម្មណ៍យើងរាយមាយ
រកចាប់ចំណុចសំខាន់ជាក់លាក់ពុំឃើញ ។
ចំពោះបញ្ហាតែមួយក៏ដូច្នោះដែរ ។ បើមានមតិច្រើនជ្រុលហួសហេតុពេក
ហើយជជែកយកត្រូវរៀងៗខ្លួន... វានឹងធ្វើឲ្យរឿងងាយ ក្លាយទៅ
ជារឿងពិបាកទៅវិញទៀតផង ។
រឿងរ៉ាវផ្សេងៗ...តែងតែមានលក្ខណៈច្របូកច្របល់ ស្មុកស្មាញ
ឬមិនចេះបែងចែកពីអ្វីសំខាន់ ឬអ្វីមិនសំខាន់ទេនោះ
ឬមួយត្រូវវិលក្បុងដូចអ្នករកពពែតាមផ្លូវបំបែកអញ្ចឹងដែរ ។♥♥♥


ខ្នងភ្នំនិងក្បាលទឹកធ្លាក់ គឺជាទីកន្លែងដ៏មនោរម្យ ទាក់ទាញមនុស្សជាខ្លាំងនៅរដូវស្លឹកឈើជ្រុះ ។ ហេតុនេះ ទើបមហាក្សត្រនៃនគរវូ ទ្រង់យាងចេញប្រពាតព្រៃព្រឹក្សាតាមផ្លូវផលសារវិញម្ដង ។ ព្រះអង្គក្រសាលតាមដងអូរដែលមានសម្លេងស្វាយំចេចចាចៗនៅទាមមាត់ច្រាំងទាំងសងខាង ។ ទ្រង់បានបញ្ជាឲ្យគេចតទូក ហើយនាំសេនាដែលហែលហមមកជាមួយ យាងទៅក្រសាលនៅលើខ្នងភ្នំ ។ ពេលឃើញមនុស្សនាំគ្នាដើរមកក្បែរខ្លួនដូច្នេះ ពួកស្វាទាំងនោះនាំគ្នាស្រែកភិតភ័យ ហើយក៏រត់គេចបាត់អស់ទៅ ។

មានស្វាមួយក្បាលក្លាហានជាងគេ មិនព្រមរត់ទៅណា ទើបព្រះមហាក្សត្របញ្ជាឲ្យសេនាតាមចាប់វាឲ្យ បាន ។ ពេលមនុស្សដើរចូលទៅចាប់ស្វាក៏ប្រើភាពប៉ិនប្រសប់របស់ខ្លួន លោតចុះលោតឡើង ជួនក៏ធ្វើជាវារ ជួនក៏ហក់ គេច សើចស្ញេញស្ញាញ ញាក់ចិញ្ចើម ញាក់មុខញាក់មាត់ ដូចគេលេងបិទពួនជាមួយមនុស្សយ៉ាងសប្បាយ ដោយពុំមានអ្នកណាចាប់វាបានឡើយ ។
ព្រះមហាក្សត្រក៏អោយគេយកធ្នូមកបាញ់ម្ដង ។ ស្វាក៏គេចឆ្វេង គេចស្ដាំ ជួនកាលវាចាប់ផ្លែព្រួញដែលបាញ់ទៅយ៉ាងប៉ិនប្រសប់បំផុត ហើយវាហាក់ដូចជាមានសេចក្ដីរីករាយនិងវិធីលេងសើចរបស់វាជាខ្លាំង ។

បន្ទាប់មក ព្រះមហាក្សត្រក៏បញ្ជាឲ្យសេនាប្រមួលធ្នូមកបាញ់ផ្គុំគ្នាក្នុងពេលតែមួយ ។ ផ្លែព្រួញចម្រុះសាចដូចទឹកភ្លៀងទៅលើស្វាតែមួយ ។ ស្វាមិនដឹងថានឹងគេចទៅខាងណា សេចក្ដីក្លាហាននិងភាពប៉ិនប្រសប់របស់វាលែងមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពទៀតហើយ... នេះឬសេចក្ដីក្លាហាន?

☛កត់ត្រានៅក្នុង “ចួងជឺ”

☀ ☀ ☀ស្វាមួយក្បាលនេះ ចង់បង្ហាញពីភាពក្លាហានរបស់ខ្លួន...
ចង់ឲ្យព្រះមហាក្សត្របានពេញព្រះហឬទ័យ តែលទ្ធផលត្រូវចេតរ៉ូយ ។
ភ្លេចគិតថា “ សេចក្ដីក្លាហាន ” ត្រូវមានកាលៈទេសៈនិងព្រំដែន...
បើមិនដូច្នេះទេ អ្នកអាចនិង “ ចេតរ៉ូយ ” ដូចស្វានេះជាមិនខាន ។

Trainer’s notes
Many ESL students may not be used to thinking critically, especially in English.  This seminar aims to introduce some methods for teaching students how to think critically. The techniques are particularly aimed at students who wish to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level at an English speaking university or further education institute of some kind. Some of the tasks suggested here would also make interesting tasks for upper-intermediate or advanced students of general English. The notes also contain some suggestions as to how the activities given could be adapted to take into account factors such as differing levels of students and different teaching aims.
The materials for all the activities follow the Trainer’s notes. Copy one page for each student or one per pair or group if you prefer the students to work that way.

First of all, to introduce the session, give the participants 3-5 minutes to consider the following questions:
1.         Why do we need to think?
2.         When do our students need to think?
3.         Why do our students need to think in English?

Write down suggested answers on the board. Among possible answers are the following:

1.         Why do we need to think?
·         To solve problems arising from any situation: the problems can be at any level, and the solution may be conventional or novel.
·         To make plans for the future.
·         To make choices (for example for purchases or activities).

2.         When do our students need to think?
·         In essay writing.
·         In reading comprehension activities, and evaluating written material.
·         In exam preparation.
·         In exams.
·         In task-oriented activities.

3.         Why do our students need to think in English?
·         To help avoid the need for translation.

·         To write and speak more natural English.
Each of the following “tasks” will take at least 5 minutes and probably more so you will not have time to run the whole session in 60 minutes.  Some options:
·         You may wish to carry out only some of the tasks, especially if it appears that you will run out of time.  I suggest that you try tasks 1,2,3,7 and 8 in that order if time permits; the others could be done as optional “homework”.
·         Another approach may be to spend just 4 or 5 minutes on each task, just to give people an overview of some techniques for encouraging critical thinking. This would mean that each task is left incomplete, but people could be given the answers very quickly.

Allow one or two minutes (I suggest not much longer – it could take up too much time) on each task for discussion on how the task concept could be adapted for different levels of student or for different purposes. The times students would need for each of these tasks are of course much greater that those I have allowed for participants, perhaps by a factor of two or three at least.
In the following notes, the word “student” refers to participants in the session and students in the classroom.

Task one: “odd word out”
Aim: to develop the students’ abilities to see that there may be more than one “correct” answer to any question and that the teacher may not know all or any of the answers. Most of the questions are ambiguous, so there are many possible answers. 

Procedure: The students can work through the questions individually then compare answers in pairs or groups, before having a brief whole class discussion. Insist that the students justify their choices. Possible answers:

(1)        potato (it’s not a fruit), lemon (can’t eat the skin)
(2)        strawberry (not a citrus fruit)
(3)        bicycle (no engine)
(4)        Walkman (does not show images, is a brand name); video-recorder (hyphenated);             computer (multipurpose)
(5)        Singaporean (it is not a language, just a nationality)
(6)        tea (comes from a leaf); Cola (drunk cold, carbonated)
(7)        New York (two words), Sydney (southern hemisphere)
(8)        best (only adjective), baby (cannot precede “friend”)
(9)        snake (not a mammal), sheep (irregular plural)
(10)     tennis (not a team game), hockey (can be played on ice); rugby (uses an oval ball)

How could it be adapted?
Possible answers: by altering the vocabulary, by basing the choices on a grammar theme, e.g. past participles, plurals etc).

Task two: what do we know is true?
Aim: to develop the students’ abilities in critical reading and reading for implicit/explicit messages; missing information etc.

Procedure: The students read the brief passage then answer questions 1-9. If the students say that the statement is in the text, ask them to show you.

Possible answers:
(1)          the text says this “ .. drove a car into a car park..”.
(2)          no information.
(3)          no information (the man said “give me the keys “ (not car keys).
(4)          no information (the owner of the car and the driver may not be the same person).
(5)          no information.
(6)          the text says this “ …shortly after …”.
(7)          no information ( the police arrival may have been a coincidence).
(8)          no information (the text says a police officer came, it could have been a police     woman).
(9)          no information (there are at least three people: the young man, the older man and the             police officer).

The text misses out much information: Are the driver and car owner the same person?  Did the driver park and get out of the car? What keys did the older man demand? Why did the police come? Why was the car driven away quickly? Explaining the background of the story could be an exercise in creative writing.

How could it be adapted? By using more complex or simple texts, looking at advertising or similar material.

Task three: introduction to “6 thinking hats
Aim: to develop the students’ abilities in: critical thinking, putting forward suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing, using the language of debate.
This task is based on the book Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono. The book aims to develop people’s ability to think logically and thoroughly about an issue. It identifies six different modes of thinking, each labelled a “hat”.

Procedure: give the handout to the students, and go through it with them. Explain any unfamiliar vocabulary. (Some students may have heard of Edward de Bono). Explain that it is a way of thinking broadly about a problem or issue. You can then give them a problem or an issue to discuss, using the hats method. Obviously, you can use any topic. Some that you may like to use are:
·         Smoking should be made illegal.
·         Tertiary education should be free.
·         Our country should allow free immigration to everyone.

You can assign a “hat” to an individual or group of students. They can then come up with arguments or ideas that a person “wearing” that hat would use.

How could it be adapted?
Students could draw up a list of phrases to use showing different levels of agreement or disagreement. The technique can also be used by students to prepare essays. TV debates could be analysed in terms of which “hat” speakers are wearing at any particular time.
Task four: palindrome puzzle
Aim: to encourage students to look for patterns in language.

Procedure: Give the handout to the students (one each or one per pair) and give them 5 minutes or so to come up with answers. Tell them not to worry about the vocabulary. If they need further help, suggest that they look for patterns.

Gary knits a stinky rag
Pull up if I pull up
(They are both palindromes, they read the same backwards or forwards.)

How could it be adapted?
Use numbers? Other sentences with different patterns?

Task five: who owns the zebra?
Aim: task-oriented language production, logical thinking, problem solving.

Procedure: Give the handout to the students (one each or one per pair). Give them 15 minutes or so to come up with answers (in the session, there will only be time to start the task). Some students may draw tables; some may cut out pieces of paper and move them around. It could be finished as a homework exercise.

New Zealander
Orange juice

How could it be adapted? In this case, analyse how they did the task and whether this reflected their learning styles.

Task six: Country doctor or Jean Valjean
Aim: task-oriented language production, moral dilemma, justifying decisions.

Procedure: Give the handout to the students (one each or one per pair) and give them 10 minutes or so to come up with answers. The emphasis here is not on what decision they would make, but why they made it. They can discuss what ethical principles are involved. The country doctor problem could be looked at in a table: justification for treating the teenagers, justification for not treating the teenagers, justification for treating the farmer’s wife, justification for not treating the farmer’s wife. Students may need to be reminded that in a rural situation there may be no ambulance that could arrive in time and the doctor MUST decide.

Jean Valjean. Any answer could be valid. Principles involved may include (1) “the greatest good for the greatest number” – Valjean should not confess; (2) we should never use (disadvantage) one person to achieve an objective – Valjean should confess – the beggar is innocent. (Adapted from “Les Miserables”, Victor Hugo.)
Country doctor. Again any answer could be valid. What ethical dilemmas are involved? Should a promise be kept? Does the age of the patients influence the decision? Does the cause of the problem? Would a decision to treat the teenagers be different if alcohol was involved?

Task seven: pilot’s son, high blood pressure, and riddle
Aim: to develop the students’ abilities in: logical thinking, reasoning, looking for unjustified and misleading assumptions or false assumptions, critical thinking, putting forward suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing, using the language of debate.
Procedure: Give the handouts to the students, and allow them 10 minutes or more to come up with answers. For questions (1) and (2), the students may well have made assumptions that cause them difficulties. For question (3), they need to look very closely at the actual wording.

(1)  The pilot is the boy’s mother (pilots do not have to be men).
(2)  Gerald is a giraffe (does having a name make you human?).
(3)  The man had one eye (so he didn’t have “eyes”, he had an eye.), and he took one plum and left one plum (“the plums” would imply all the plums).

Task eight: choices
Aim: To give students practice in closely examining questions (for exams in particular) and defining terms.

Procedure: Give the handouts to the students, and emphasise that they need to look closely at the words used, particularly the adjectives.

(1)  Which are more dangerous: tigers or mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes kill more people through the diseases they transmit, so they are more “dangerous” looked at from a global perspective.  From an individual perspective, tigers are more dangerous (which would you rather have in this room now?).  In an area where tigers are endemic, tigers may be more of a danger.

(2)  Which is more useful: a pen or a computer?
What does useful mean? If it means versatile, the computer wins. If it means used by most people or more often, the pen may win. In an area with no electricity, the pen may be more convenient.

(3)  Which is more convenient: buses or cars?
What does convenient imply? Faster?  A car may not be faster in a big city. Cheaper?  Probably a bus is cheaper. More flexible?  A car is better. Does it depend on the length of the journey or the cargo to be carried?

(4)  Which is more expensive: an old car or a new car?
What does “expensive” mean? The purchase price of a used car may be lower (unless it is a vintage car perhaps). If you add in maintenance, a new car may be cheaper. New cars typically use less petrol than older cars.

(5) Which is the more useful language: English or Chinese?
What does “useful” mean? The language which is spoken by most people? (Chinese) The language spoken in more countries? (English).  Does useful depend on the location (English in England, Chinese in China etc)? Or on the field of study? (for example which would be the best language for studying Asian traditional medicines?)

(6)  Which causes more illness: smoking or drinking alcohol?
There may be a clear answer from global statistics.  Chronic smoking gives long term problems, even at low levels, but alcohol does not.  In the short term, excess alcohol is far more dangerous.

Samsung Galaxy S9 concept. As we know the first live image leaks of Galaxy S8 is already out, its time for us to think about the next concept which is the Galaxy S9, we know its little early but, we just cant stop our natural instinct of wild imagination. Here we present you our first concept Galaxy S9 with triple edge ultra slim design which is what we think will be the next natural design choice to achieve better screen to body ratio which is also the latest trend.

                Are уоu thіnkіng tо purchase an nеw ѕmаrtрhоnе а tор hіgh аnd cellular рhоnе whеthеr іt'ѕ Andrоіd оr іOS? 
Thеѕе аrе 10 оf the bеѕt ѕmаrt рhоnеѕ аvаіlаblе nоw оn thе market shall.

     Wе bеgаn Lenovo р2 wіth рrеmіumdеѕіgn lеnоvо р2 hаѕ a gоrgеоuѕ display for the mоnеу аnd probable іѕ the bеѕtрhоnе іn battery existence but it is hеаvу and additionally a bіt lаrgе wіth a confined camera if you are searching out an excessive ѕрес budget phone.
    Thіѕ іѕ thе оnе Mоtоrоlа Marta said the wоrld'ѕ thіnnеѕt premium smartphone a ѕlеndеr ѕmаrtрhоnе with creative modular ассеѕѕоrіеѕ аndfіngеrрrіnt ѕеnѕоr, however, there is no headphone jасok a bіg camera bumр аnd аѕmаll battery.
     HTC 10 one of the best music рhоnеѕ wіth еxсеllеnt high-resolution 24-bit ѕоund аnd grеаt design but thе camera іѕ nоt so thаt іmрrеѕѕіvе.
     Sоnу Xperia xz рrеmіum the great рhоnе. Sоnу hаѕ ever mаdе іmрrеѕѕіvе саmеrа іmрrоvеmеntѕ рrеmіum look аnd fееl but wіthоut a hеаdlіnе fеаturе аnd оnlу аcomplete HD ѕсrеаm
 One рluѕ 3T a top smartphone on a price range run the mоѕt dеmаndіng аррlісаtіоnѕ and games with enhanced реrfоrmаnсе рrеmіum dеѕіgn in a long battery there's nо mісrоSD саrd аnd thе camera соuld be bеttеr


Huawei P10 Plus gоrgеоuѕ аnd роwеrful dо уоulіokе a camera's bеаutіful and brіght ԛhdѕсrееn with ninety bіllіоn coloration option sun fortunately now not available оn рhуѕісаl ѕtоrеѕ іn thе unіtеd states.
 Gооglе Pixel smooth реrfоrmаnсе brіght соlоrful fullHD dіѕрlау аnd a secure оnе handphone but battery may want to bе a little bіtbеttеr аnd gооglе ріxеl XL thе рurеаndrоіd gооdnеѕѕ оnе of thе excellent phones in tеrmѕ оf ѕрееd uѕеr іntеrfасе and camera however it hаѕ nо ѕtеrео ѕреаkеrѕ and the design саn bе ԛuеѕtіоnаblе.
 LG G6  mеtаl and glаѕѕѕhіmmеr wіth a hugе 18 29 dіѕрlау that is ѕіmрlу a ѕоlіd аnd wеll-buіltѕmаrtрhоnе LG g 6 fосuѕеѕ оn kеу аrеаѕ thаt uѕеrѕ are maximum саrе аbоut.
ірhоnе 7ѕtіll one оf thе wоrld'ѕ bеѕtѕmаrtрhоnеѕ correct lоw-lіght саmеrа аndwаtеr resistance upgrades acceptable battery lіfе however unimpressive and lacking іn сlеаr uрgrаdеѕ and the ірhоnе7 plus thе bеѕt phone to be had right now twо саmеrаѕ thаt ѕhооtѕ аѕ one wіdеаnglе аnd tеlерhоtо саmеrаѕ іt'ѕроwеrful in a ѕlісok реrfоrmаnсе however аlѕоvеrу еxреnѕіvе and thеrе'ѕ nо headphone jack ѕаmѕung gаlаxу s 8 + ѕаmѕungѕuреr-ѕіzеd cellphone tо feed your bіgѕсrееn hungеr slick ѕоftwаrе аnd ѕрееd реrfоrmаnсе a tор-nоtсh digital camera however vеrу еxреnѕіvе аnd a improper fіngеrрrіnt ѕеnѕоr.
 Samsung gаlаxу s 8thе bеѕt ѕmаrtрhоnе іn thе wоrld wіththе bеzеl lеѕѕ іnfіnіtу dіѕрlау an excellent digital camera thе display quality іѕ thе bеѕt that you may fіnd and hеѕmаѕhеѕ аll benchmarking.  


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